North Carolina Mosquitoes

Lately, North Carolina has been making headlines due to the massive swarms of mosquitoes that invaded the area after the wake of Hurricane Florence, that not only left the area devastated by wind damage and flooding, but a host of mosquitoes that made life miserable for the residents trying to recover from the storm. The …

Winter Birthday Gift Ideas

It’s fair to argue that winter babies get the short end of the stick, especially if they have a birthday that’s either right before or right after Christmas. Winter birthdays do have their defenders, but it can be harder to think of a gift for someone when you’re trapped indoors most of the time. There …

A Safe Treatment Option for ADHD

ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurological condition, where symptoms include excessive activity, inability to control one’s behavior and attention problems. Children who have an ADHD diagnosis usually start showing the signs before the age of 12. Commonly these signs are first identified by the child care or school the child is going …