It’s fair to argue that winter babies get the short end of the stick, especially if they have a birthday that’s either right before or right after Christmas. Winter birthdays do have their defenders, but it can be harder to think of a gift for someone when you’re trapped indoors most of the time. There …
Month: October 2018
In 2011, a raunchy romance novel by British author EL James, involving dominance / submission partnerships, sadism and masochism, along with other sexual practices, managed to attract over 100 million readers, many of them women. When the movie of the same name was released in 2015, it became an immediate box office success. The novel …
ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurological condition, where symptoms include excessive activity, inability to control one’s behavior and attention problems. Children who have an ADHD diagnosis usually start showing the signs before the age of 12. Commonly these signs are first identified by the child care or school the child is going …
Moving to New Jersey for work? That’s a smart move. The employment climate in New Jersey is surprisingly strong when compared with the rest of the nation. In the last eight years, the private sector has added more than 387,000 new jobs, according to a news release from the New Jersey Department of Labor & …