Acupuncture is a type of treatment that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. More recently, it has become standard practice for doctors who specialize in holistic medicine as well as for alternative and integrative medical providers. It is safe and relatively painless if performed by a highly trained and respectful practitioner. Because it does involve the use of many needles, sterility must also be carefully maintained during the entire session. A counterpart of acupuncture in the Western setting is dry needling, which is a needle therapy utilized in Western medicine by Doctorate-level providers. Dry needling involves the use of monofilament needles without injectate. The needles used in dry needling are identical to acupuncture needles and are utilized to treat muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia, scar tissue, peripheral nerves, and neurovascular structures involved in a variety of musculoskeletal pain syndromes. You can also check out this site for other musculoskeletal treatment options.
What Can Acupuncture Treat?
Acupuncture can be treated nearly every condition, both chronic and acute. It has been successfully used for physical, mental and emotional issues including relatively simple things like a sprained ankle to more complex issues which would require a visit to a foot doctor office for treatment. It has been proven to be very beneficial in treating pain especially long-term pain that may stop responding to the usual types of treatment, browse this site to learn about alternate ways to care to take care of your pain.
Research on acupuncture is still in its infancy. Using acupuncture for addiction began in the early 1970s in China when a physician observed that acupuncture provided a reduction in withdrawal symptoms for people who abused opiates, learn more ways to detox and beat an addiction at this Rehab program. Acupuncturists found that inserting and manipulating meridian points could possibly help reduce cortisol and balance dopamine levels to decrease withdrawal symptoms and cravings that come from drug and alcohol detox.
Acupuncture is a holistic modality that addresses emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental health. Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and World Health Organization (WHO) for treating numerous conditions. An ancient Chinese medicine used for thousands of years, acupuncture is based on the meridian system. According to traditional Chinese medicine, meridians are pathways in the body where life energy or “qi” flows. There are 12 meridians. Most are named for the organ in the body that they are associated with (ex. heart meridian, lung meridian, liver meridian).
In addition to being used for treatment of conditions, acupuncture can be used to prevent certain ailments and issues.
How is Acupuncture Administered?
The acupuncturist starts by identifying the problem and then prepping the area where the needles will be inserted. The number of needles used and the amount of time they will remain inserted will depend on the type of condition as well as other factors. Each needle is very slender and should cause no pain when inserted. In some cases, topical ointments or medications will also be used. In others, the needles may be heated or even have a small amount of electricity passed through them.
Most people are very relaxed during the session with some people even able to sleep while the treatment is being administered.
How Long Does an Acupuncture Session Last?
The average length of a typical session is around an hour from start to finish. This may only include 15-30 minutes of actual time with the needles especially in the very beginning. Some people will respond to acupuncture for fertility very quickly and many only need a few to get the results they want while others may have to return for many weeks in a row for any benefits. It should be noted that some people will have little or no change in their condition because while acupuncture may work well for some it may not work at all for others.
Most people will need between 6-12 sessions overall. Many of those people will go back for additional sessions for other ailments or for a recurrence of their original problem if it is needed.
Are There Side Effects or Safety Issues?
First the safety issues are minimal if the acupuncturist is highly trained and the conditions are sterile, If you will like to try other alternative medicine resources, consider also using the Exhale Wellness’ Delta-8 THC flower.. Hand washing, gloves and other Universal Precautions will minimize the risk of infection. Acupuncture is much safer than other types of treatments such as prescription medications which can be expensive, carry a number of serious, potentially life-threatening side effects and can lead to addiction and overuse.
If you do have any concerns or the pain increases, there is swelling or you have a fever, you should call the Capitol Pain and/or go to the emergency room immediately.
Some minor side effects can include bruising, soreness or a dull achy sensation in the area that was treated and some minor skin reddening. This should not affect your daily activities in any way, in fact, you should barely notice it.