Skin has a waxy, oily substance called sebum that plays a critical in protection and hydration. In some unusual cases, sebaceous glands secrete too much sebum which leads to conditions such as acne, clogged skin pores, and oily skin. At times you may want to visit a dermatology clinic such as Gold Skin Care Center – Dermatology Clinic for professional advice on procedures like dermal fillers to get the best results for your skin.
I recently also bought some skin repair cream (after researching all of the best Swiss luxury skincare manufacturers and brands as the Swiss are always the best) and it’s just been incredible so have a look there if you want some top skin repair cream. Keep reading for insights on how to deal with oily skin.
Wash Regularly
If you learn more about Touch Up Laser you will see that regular washing of the skin can significantly reduce the oil on the skin. However, this doesn’t mean that you scrub your skin. Even if you have makeup on the face, try your best and resist the temptation of scrubbing since it makes it worse.
All you need to wash your face is a gentle soap and warm water. According to Nubo Beauty, you should avoid soaps that have harsh chemical additives that are likely to cause skin irritation. You will also need a smooth towel as rough ones trigger the skin to produce more oils.
Choosing the appropriate facial cleanser works wonders for some people. In case the ordinary cleanser doesn’t work for you, go for acidic products like benzoyl peroxide. Stay away from alcohol-based cleansers, as they will cause skin irritation. You can also buy peptides to reduce acne.
Apply Moisturizer
There is a notion that oily skin directly translates to enough hydration, which is not always the case. You will thus have to hydrate the skin despite it being greasy.
Dermatology experts would advise you to ensure that the moisturizer you use is strong enough to protect you from UV rays of the sun which are usually harmful to your skin. Ignore myths that suggest your skin will look greasier than usual.
Oil-free moisturizers keep the skin moist without having to feel greasy. Aloe vera products could be all you need to moisturize for as long as it doesn’t react with your skin.
Use Toners to Tighten Pores and Remove Oils
There are different kinds of toners for the skin. It all depends on the ability of your skin to withstand these products.
Astringent toners can either be synthetic or natural. Synthetic astringent toners contain alcohol which has a drying effect on the skin. Natural astringents, e.g., witch hazel have high levels of tannins which make enlarged pores shrink and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Use a cotton ball to apply the toner and spread it lightly and give it time to dry. Afterward, wash your face with a towel followed by an oil-free moisturizer to prevent over-drying of the skin.
Use the Right Foundation for Oily Skin
Just as the name suggests, foundation lays the base over which the rest of the makeup is applied. There exist various types of foundations, depending on individual skin types.
Whichever foundation you pick, it is supposed to provide full coverage of your face. If you have oily skin, consider foundations for oily skin, and you will not regret it. The foundation may be in a stick, cream, liquid, or powder form.
Always pick a formula that works for you. Natural finish foundations are more dedicated to normal skin, and they are somewhat suited for your oily skin.
Use a Mask
Masks can aid in the reduction of the oily appearance on your face. Putting on the mask for a few hours can keep your face oil-free for days. Facial masks are beneficial to your skin and contain ingredients such as oatmeal, clay, and honey.
Masks made of oatmeal helps to cleanse the skin since oats contain antioxidants and inflammatory products that are therapeutic to irritated skin. Natural raw honey is known for its antimicrobial qualities, thus helping reduce acne.
Clay contains vital minerals like bentonite, which can absorb oils from the skin, thus reducing the levels of sebum. You are, however, advised to apply moisturizer after removing the mask to avoid excessive dryness.
Blotting Papers Will Be Great
Blotting paper is an effective way to treat your skin since it doesn’t dry it out and also takes a shorter time. The papers may not reduce sebum production but will be critical in the eradication of excess oils from your skin.
Apply the blotting paper at the oily part in your face and press it at that point for a few seconds. Do not scrub as you may end up creating more problems for the skin. Powdered blotting papers remove the oils better.
You may also use medicated pads in place of blotting papers. The pads are primarily acid-based, meaning they are effective when it comes to fighting acne.
Water-Based Makeup Will Work
Adding oil-based makeup on top of an already oily face will make no sense. This is why you are recommended to use makeup with zero oils.
In case you cannot identify these products, consult your local facial health specialist. Do not gamble with your health, whereas there is someone to help you out. To find this kind and other beauty products, just visit
Avoid Touching Your Face
Touching our faces is something we struggle to avoid daily. However, you should try by all means to avoid touching it as it leads to the transfer of bacteria and oils through your hands.
Only touch your face when it is necessary, like in the case of moisturizing or cleansing it.
Adjust Your Lifestyle
Lifestyle adjustments involve both issues of food and physical activity among other daily habits. Make sure that you take meals rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well as antioxidants. Beans and fruits, like apples, are rich in antioxidants.
Salmon is enough for your omega-3 requirements. Natural and fresh fruits and vegetables are also good for your skin.
The condition of your skin may also be due to elevated levels of stress, thus the need for physical activity. Keep your body active and ensure that you shower to eliminate sweat and other waste materials on your skin.
Another factor is that your skin may be too dry, leading to your skin producing more oil than it’s supposed to. Or, you’re not spending enough time in the sun. In turn, you increase the risk of vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, you can try taking NuMedica’s vitamin D supplements for your skin.
Be sure to drink enough water and have a good night’s sleep.
Although oily skins can cause acne among many other infections, it is also beneficial in that it helps to preserve skin. The best you can do is strike the right balance between oily skin and maintaining the right moisture content. There is a new procedure called led light therapy that can target overactive sebaceous glands to lessen the oil production in your face. To get more tips on skincare routine and products, visit
Every individual’s skin is different; thus, what works for me may not work for you. Don’t spend vast amounts of time worrying about your oily skin but instead take action. Don’t be afraid of trying different methods until you find out what works for your skin.
Resources – WebMD, Medical News Today, AAD