If you’ve ever been caught in heavy rain, you know that rain can severely affect your visibility while driving, can make the roads slick and slippery, and slow down traffic significantly. If you just bought a new vehicle from Winnie Dodge Dealership, then you do not have to worry much, but if your tires are old, then you must be careful. Get a few auto fixes like a windshield replacement. Even if you think you know how to drive in the rain, you’ll want to brush up on how to drive more safely during bouts of heavy rain through some lessons such as 5 hour pre licensing classes. Here are our top tips:
1. Adjust Your Driving To The Conditions
You should not drive the same way in a storm as you would normally. When it starts to rain, you should adopt a more defensive driving technique. Slow down and avoid any sharp turns. Make sure that you leave plenty of room between your car and the cars in front of you, reducing the likelihood of getting into an accident with your vehicle. Rain can reduce the amount of traction your tires get on the road, so slow down, especially if your driving on poorly lit roads or the highway. If you have been involved in car wrecks, you have to take the first step by calling an auto accident attorney.
- Don’t Stop On The Highway or Put Your Hazards On While Moving
Lights are not effective while driving in the rain because the light bounces off of raindrops and could cause even more problems with your visibility. According to Wheels.ca: “The only time that hazard lights are intended to be used on a moving vehicle are when it’s part of a funeral procession. Otherwise, you never hit that red triangle button when you’re rolling, period. In fact, the practice of putting your hazards on in the rain is so dangerous that it’s flat-out illegal in some jurisdictions.”
- Avoid Large Puddles
It’s very difficult to tell how deep a puddle is just by looking at it, and the last thing you want is to get your vehicle stuck in a deep puddle causing permanent damage to your car. If you can, avoid puddles, but do not swerve or change lanes without appropriately signalling and making sure that it’s safe to avoid. Remember that everyone’s visibility is lacking when there is heavy rain, so take precautions.
- Know When It’s Time To Pull Over
At a certain point, drivers have to be realistic about severe driving conditions and pull over. If your visibility is so bad that you catch yourself squinting while driving or can’t see the lights of the car in front of you, pull over and wait for the worst of the storm to pass.
- Stay In The Middle Lane
Water is more likely to pool on the left and right sides of the road, so if you are driving on the highway, try and stay in the middle lane during the worst of the rain.
Driving in the rain can be stressful and dangerous, so make sure that you take extra precautions, get a windshield replacement, windshield repair or an auto glass repair before you travel, and your insurance policy is up to date. If you’re not confident with your current provider, compare your car insurance policy to others on the market to make sure you’re getting the best price possible.